PO BOX 23127
Dear Gentlemen
We would like to draw your attention towards a UK-based broadcast journalist called HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI who has been blackmailing, harrassing, initimidating and threatening our organization and the Undersigned with an intent to extort money on false grounds and unfounded / weak / incomplete evidence and in absence of proper documentary proofs. It has been brought to our knowledge that the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI is now serving AL-JAZEERA ENGLISH. It was to our surprise that such a prestigious international news channel with lot of credibililty and great recognition has allowed a person like HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI to serve them without any proper investigation and due diligence on him.
Our version is as follows:
The said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI has put up a blog ( against the Undersigned by using a fake identity (CONTROVERSIAL NINJA) and has been posting all sorts of negative propaganda on the said blog against the Undersigned. The said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI has not mentioned in the PROFILE of the said blog that its him though we know and all our clients also know that the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI has been busy since last many months in attempting to tarnish the image of the Undersigned and his firm ARGO INTERNATIONAL GmbH through the said blog;
The said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI has been demanding money ($20,000) from the Undersigned in exchange of removing the said negative blog against the Undersigned and conveyed this demand several times on phone;
That the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI has been tarnishing image of ARGO INTERNATIONAL GmbH Germany and disreputing the Undersigned with mala fide motive by posting unfounded, non-credible, unverifiable and totally baseless information on the said blog which can be defended in any court of law if any law suit has been brought against the Undersigned or his firm ARGO INTERNATIONAL GmbH. So far, the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI or any of his accomplices have failed to contact any court of law against the Undersigned or his firm ARGO INTERNATIONAL GmbH;
That the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI has rather run a specific campaign to discredit ARGO INTERNATIONAL GmbH and the Undersigned in the eyes of our existing clients and all potential clients;
That the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI was asked to bring evidence and confront the Undersigned through legal means in any court of law within the EU jurisdiction but the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI failed to turn up and preferred to remain in isolation and has since continued to tarnish the image of the Undersigned and his firm ARGO INTERNATIONAL GmbH through postings on the blog referred above;
That the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI has also refused to post our response on the said blog to all the baseless accusations / allegations and one-sided negative campaign against the Undersigned and his firm ARGO INTERNATIONAL GmbH. How can this is be called journalistic justice when the author of the said blog (HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI) has refused to entertain / publish the replies sent to him by the Undersigned?
That the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI is continuously posting unfounded, baseless and non-credible information on the said blog against the Undersigned and his firm ARGO INTERNATIONAL GmbH;
That the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI is currently in violation of international journalistic ethics and rather committing a glaring crime by hiding behind a fake identity ( and tarnishing the image of the Undersigned and his firm ARGO INTERNATIONAL GmbH;
That the main aim / ambition / intent on the part of the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI is very much visible from the fact that he has on numerous occasions demanded $20,000 from the Undersigned on the basis of a business transaction between ARGO INTERNATIONAL GmbH and one Dubai-based organization. The said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI claimed to be the owner of the said Dubai-based organization but our own investigation revealed that he is not telling the truth. That Dubai-based organization belongs to one of the friends of the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI which is being misused by the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI for extorting money from the Undersigned;
That the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI is blackmailing, intimidating and threatening the Undersigned for one more reason and that can be understood because the Undersigned is also a writer and has written two books viz DIVIDE PAKISTAN TO ELIMINATE TERRORISM and FORMATION OF REPUBLIC OF JINNAHPUR. It is our firm belief that the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI is rather demonstrating his patriotism with Pakistan in a negative manner i.e. through blackmailing, tarnishing, harrassing, intimidating and threatening the Undersigned by putting a blog against the Undersigned and his business organization called ARGO INTERNATIONAL GmbH so that the Undersigned is discredited in the business community. This is a criminal attempt by the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI to jeopardize the economic stability of the Undersigned so that the Undersigned should pay money to HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI for removal of the said blog;
We are ready and willing to meet any of your investigative journalist to provide all relevant details and prove our innocence if we are given an opportunity to do so. How can we defend ourselves unless we are allowed to present our case or given an opportunity to respond to false allegations and unfounded accusations labelled by the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI in the blog ( by using a fake identity i.e. CONTROVERSIAL NINJA (
We request you to do journalistic justice and seek clarification / explanation from the said HASSAN AL-BANNA GHANI who may deny or refuse to confess his crime but we know that its him who has been tarnishing our image since last many months todate through the said blog and still continuing to do so.
tel +49 17632440017